Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things About Us!

A bloggy friend of mine posted a list of things about her and her family to help people get to know them better.. and it was so fun to read, so I thought I'd try it too!  (Eh, even if you dont care, or you already know us pretty well, indulge me...)

1. Mike and I went to school together for 1 yr.  (My 10th grade yr, his 9th) and he sat right behind me in band, but we didnt ever talk or anything.
2. We were introduced on New Years Eve of 01, and he thought I was "hot" (his words, not mine), I, on the other hand, didnt really notice him too much.  (OOPS!)  We slowly became best friends before we started dating.. and we didnt start dating until we KNEW we were going to get married!
3.  He is older than me by 9 days, but was a year behind me in school.
4. One of our favorite things to do with the kids at home, is hide and go seek.  I am always the last to be found... I dont know why, I'm not a tiny person... by ANY means.  We can play for hours on end...
5.  Since Madi has become so INTO Gymnastics, we go to the open gym night they have a lot and Mike and I actually enjoy going and helping Madi with her stuff and watching the other girls have fun and be silly!!
6. Mike and I LOVE sushi!! Its sooo yummy.  And Madi likes it too.  Course, Jay and Kiki think its nasty. Oh well, more for me!
7. I sing, play piano, trumpet, clarinet, trombone, and french horn.  Mike plays drums...  he loves to play aux. stuff, like djembe, congas, bongos, shakers, rainsticks, ect!  We love to play together and the 2 of us comprised the entire worship team at a church for over a year and a half!
8. I love to take pictures and fancy myself an amatuer photographer.  Mike hates having his picture taken, but is actually rather photogenic.  Mike has also taken a few really hot photos of random things.  Like benches on the boardwalk.  My hubby rocks.
9. We have a dog named Tinkerbelle.  She is an 8lb kid.  Tink was there for me during our miscarriages, job loss, foster kids leaving, depression, a rhuematoid arthritis diagnosis, a diabetes diagnosis, and so much more.  I honestly beleive that God gave me Tink to cuddle with, to get my tears kissed by, and to provide us with a source of laughter and a reason to get up in the morning when the world was dark and feeling very empty.  I used to cry and cuddle Tink and try to pray, but couldnt.  I would think, "what do I have to be thankful for"?  And the little button nose would gently poke my face and I would be able to at least thank God for her.  You may think I'm silly... but that dog was my lifesaver during a really rough time!
10.  One of my dreams is to be a soloist in a choir like Kirk Franklin's, or Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
11. I love intercessory worship.  A prayer warrior told me a few years ago that I was going to do warfare worship, and I had no idea what it meant, but God taught me, and I feel true peace even while doing warfare and interceeding!!  (Yay, God!)
12. Madi cant say her "r's" and has troubles with 'th'.  She has a very unique way of speaking and its so cute.  She also comes up with some of the most RANDOM words!  One of my favs is "re-neck-or-ize".  In Madi-speak, it means recognize, or remember... or both.  Lol! :o)
13.  Madi has a couple of dreams in life.  One is to be a "singer like my mommy".  But my poor baby is kinda tone deaf.  We dont care tho.. she makes a JOYFUL NOISE!  Another is to be a gymnast.  That one, she will definitly do!!  And lastly, she wants to a "fashion girl".  That would be a model.  She definitly could be one, but oh Jesus, keep her outta that!!
14. We have been mommy and daddy to a total of 10 kids.  But only one is "ours"...and she was adopted on 12/18/09.
15. Mike and I both are super super unorganized and bad at bills and with money, but God put us together for some reason! lol! :o)

Thats it for now... :o)  Stay tuned for more!


  1. This was great! Love learning more about you!

  2. Totally got misty eyed reading about your bond with Tink. I can relate to that a lot with my pets and how they help me deal with my medical issues in much the same way.


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