Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just a little pray request...

My Rhuematoid Arthritis has been acting up lately.  But not in its normal way.  I have had a LOT of pain in my hand and finger joints.  No fun.  Its been hard to type and even harder to play piano.  I am missing my piano time.. but I have been trying to do other chores first and if my hands can stand it, then I play.  Most days... I dont play.

Just praying for healing.  :o) 
I love that the God who loves me, loves to heal me...


  1. Sorry you are in pain. I hope your pain free soon! 6 kids? You are supermom!

  2. Lol... nah, I just love kids. :o)

  3. Praying for healing and sweet relief from pain. Playing the piano soothes me also and when we don't have that outlet it can be rough. Is it the change in weather that is causing more pain? Blessings to you.


  4. Praying for healing and strength!
    Much love!


Leave me some love... Id like to hear your opinions, your thoughts, comments, suggestions, anything.