Monday, March 29, 2010

Praise & Prayer!

 I wanted to first say, Thanks for the prayers!!  My hands are 100%, but they arent bothering me the way that they were... so I have been able to play piano and even type some longer emails to family across the country.  Yay, PRAISE GOD!  :o)

Now the little lady needs some prayers.  For the past week she has been a bit under the weather, but with Madi, you hardly even know that she is sick.  She doesnt bother to tell you when she is sick sometimes, becuase she is simply to busy living life.  The only time we ever really hear about a symptom is at night when she doesnt want to go to bed... smart kid.  Lol.  But the past week, she has had a host of symptoms, all at different times, coming and going at odd times.

Last night she woke up in the middle of the night (1 am actually.. ugh, :o), with an ear ache.  She was very upset and crying a lot, so we gave her some asprin and some lovies and sent her back to bed.  This morning, Mike let me sleep in and said she was fine.  But when she got home, she was acting weird and we couldnt get her to focus on homework and she threw a small fit over a pencil.  So I asked her if she took her pill.  Yes.  Ok, did you throw up?  Yes.  Ok.... when?  When I got off the bus.  Did you tell anyone?  Nope.  Grrr.  Love the kid, but she threw up on the sidewalk, and went in the school and ate breakfast like nothing happened.  So then this afternoon, after being in the care for less the 5 mins, she threw up just a little bit.  Then when we got home, she threw up a lot.  Then she was fine.... she wanted to eat.  She has also had a sore throat off an on, and has been snotty and congested. 

I'm a pretty even keel sorta mom. We dont rush to the doctor for stuff... in fact we hardly ever go.  But this has me worried.  I figure that for every symptom she tells us about, she probably experiences 4 that she "forgets" to tell us about.  And ya know that whole "mother knows best" and "mother's instinct" thing?  I beleive God has given natural and adoptive mommas these instincts.  And my gut tells me there is something more to this than just a simple cold or virus. 

So, please pray for my baby!  Thanks!! :o)


  1. Aw praying for your sweet girl, healing in Jesus' name!!

  2. Praise God your hands are better! I will continue to pray. Also lifting your sweet girl up in prayer. Biological or not, a mama's heart and soul is a mama's heart and soul. Follow your instinct!


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