Friday, March 26, 2010


After reading Linny's blog I decided to read the blogs that posted their links.  It really stirred me into wanting to help.  Then I felt like God was nudging me to post one too.  That maybe its time for me to stop all my yakking about how I am wanting God to help us, and actually start BELIEVING that He will.  So... I guess, here is my fleece???!?

We need a van.  My awesome momma has been allowing us to use her car so we have 2 available for all the appts and whatnot the kids have.  But we are beleiveing for another child or two to come to us through foster care, and in order to drive them around, we will need a van, or always use two cars.  Plus, I just want to give my mom her car back.  She has been amazing and its been a blessing, but I want to honor her by giving it back sooner, rather than later.

Bottom line, we want to bless more kids.  Love on more kids, and we cant really do that in our current situation.  We really do live paycheck to paycheck... and we havent been able to save for a long time.  But God rocks and has been faithful to us!!

We attend The Worship Center, but we just started going there as of January.. so we arent very involved yet!  But I did just join the choir, and we are thinking of joining a group called Alpha.  Before going to the worship center, we were the worship directors at a small church, which we left becuase we felt we needed a place for our kids... and this small church didnt have any kids programs (they didnt have many kids at all, actually!!)  But God blessed our time there and we loved it!! 

And the tithing part.  We havent been.  Yeah, its hard to admit that, and I could come up with a million excuses... but none of them matter.  I am going to be tithing this Sunday... and we have re-committed to doing it again, every paycheck, no matter what.  We used to.  I dont know when or why we stopped, but we did.  But God is faithful and just and I have taken this to Him and asked for forgiveness, as did Mike, and we feel like a load has been lifted.  And now we can teach our kids to tithe as well... out of example.

My email is
Thanks for reading, and I can't wait to read all the miracle stories that come out of this Crazy Love Party!!!


  1. Thank you for posting about your need. Thank you, too, for being honest about tithing. Seriously sweet friend, you can't afford NOT get back to doing it and keep doing will bless you abundantly for your obedience - way more than you could "make" by not tithing!

    And I can't wait to see what God does through Crazy's going to be so fun!! xo

  2. Thank you so much for posting your need and committing to tithing! I promise you, God will bless your giving! We are living proof of that! He sees your heart for children, and He will honor that as well. Thank you for your obedience and Crazy Love!!!!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your hearts with us! i know that is hard to do and i appreciate it :) Our family will commit to pray for your family and we would also like to send you a little somthing... please email me at

    God Bless you my friend!


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