Thursday, March 4, 2010

Home School VS Christian School

Now that Madi is officially ours, Mike and I have been debating about what to do with her next year, school-wise.  We are pretty sure that no matter what, public school is not what God wants for her.  She has such an eager heart and a passion for God, we definitly want to encourage that and feed that more than she is getting now between Sunday School and home devotions.  I have always wanted to homeschool our kids, but Madi has a pretty big learning disorder.  Although, now that she is on ADHD meds, she is doing so much better and I wonder how much of her learning disorder has to do with the ADHD.
So.  Its either homeschooling or Christian School.  Financially, I really dont know how we could even think about Christian School... but I know that God can afford to send Miss Madison exactly where she needs to go!
I stalk follow a blog by a women who has a bunch of kids and homeschools them all.  She posted a blog about homeschooling yesterday, and this quote has stuck with me since reading it:
If you raise Godly warriors for Jesus Christ and then they backslide,
they become nice little Christians.
BUT if you raise nice little Christians and they back slide,
what do they become?
I want to help Madi become a Warrior for Jesus!!  She is such a passionate love of God and I want to encourage that.  Not only that, but I want to make sure  she is learning in a way that makes learning fun.  I want her to love learning her whole life.
 And I want to spend more time with her.  To bond more with her.  So that makes it seem like maybe homeschooling is whats best.
But I have to admit I am scared.  Yup.  I said it.  Im scare of homeschooling!! :o)  Im very very unorganized, and I tend to be kinda scatterbrained.  I also feel like I DO NOT have enough patience to do it.  But I want to try. I dont want to be at Madi's high school graduation wishing I had just at least tried it.

So help.  Where do I even begin if I want to homeschool?  What cirriculums do you all use?  Where do you buy them... what do you do if you get stuck?  What kind of paperwork do you have to do?  How do you "sign them out" of whatever school they are in?  Are there groups you can take them to during that day?  What about subjects I can't help her with (like all Math... haha!)? How much time do you spend homeschooling on a daily basis??

Right now, I'm thinking that I would like to do lots of info gathering right now and have a "cirriculum" set by the end of this school year, and then spend June and July homeschooling to see if we can handle it, and if so, then that's what we will do... if not, we will start praying for funding to Christian School!

So thanks in advance for all your help... I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.  Have you ever done a google search for homeschooling cirriculums???  There are about 552,000 search results.  Yeah. That's a lot.


  1. Dana,

    I saw you over at Linny's blog. I am in my 6th year of homeschooling and 3 of my 4 children have learning disabilities that include: speech delays, emotional impairment, audio processing disorder, and then what I call, "the letters"; adhd, odd, fas, rad, etc...LOL! What I found was once I was able to homeschool, (2 were fosters before our adoption) that I was able to give an enviornment that gave structure that the clasroom could not and I could include God's word in every lesson.

    As far as starting...see if you can determine what kind of learner Madi is. I have a child that can read independantly and transfer that reading to other situations, but my oldest had reading comprehension issues. My child with APD does not do well with hearing information, but once he sees how to do something can make many connections thereafter.

    Sorry this is such a long response... but if you would like to email, I would love to bounce ideas around.


  2. Thank you for responding!!! I will email you and pick your brain!! :o)
    Thank you!


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