Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Ok... so I said I would share my rant about Judges.

Here goes:

When we had Dee Dee and Bubba, they had Judge... I'll call him Judge A.. and Guardian Ad Litum ummm.... we shall call her GAL.  Judge A and Gal decided that Dee Dee was a liar and couldnt be trusted and simply wasnt competent enough to tell people about the horror she endured.  SOOOO Judge A and Gal decided to send  Bubba back to his parents... a little 2 yr old boy who couldn't tell anyone if people committed those same horrors to him.   The caseworkers were all so confused and simply couldnt understand why Gal and Judge A were so blind to the potential abuse awaiting Bubba at home.  3 months later.... Bubba is still home and Dee Dee is still saying the EXACT same thing.  Saying the EXACT same thing happened.  Her story hasnt changed.  She tells EVERYONE about it.  She says what happened, who did it, and how she is scared of her parents because of it.  And Bubba is still there.  Bubba is possibly facing the same horrors she talks about everyday.  Needless to say (but I must say it)... I supremely dislike this judge and guardian.  I pray for them a lot, but I dislike them. 

Last week, after Jay and Kiki's mom's court date, our awesome caseworker (that was not sarcastic... she really is cool... I like her a lot!!) told me that they have the same judge and guardian.  N.I.C.E.

Ok... so the best part.  Judge A and Gal decided that these 2 kids (well, 3 counting their brother J.) who had never been abused... never beaten or anything else... only lived in a dirty, trash-filled house couldnt go back with their mom... while a little boy whose sister had suffered the worse kind of abuse went home to the abusers.  (please understand, I dont beleive its in Jay and Kiki's best interests to go home now... mom needs some parenting lessons first... I'm just venting at how totally insane it is that Bubba is home and they are trying to get Dee Dee home.. while allowing kids who have never been abused to stay in foster care.)

Am I the only one who sees the total insanity of Judge A and Gal???
Will you pray along with us for Bubba and Dee Dee???  (Dee is doing great with her foster family... we may be able to see her in 2 weeks... and I'm super excited!)
Bubba NEEDS to be removed from that home.  I know God has him... but when I think about him and what he may be enduring, my heart breaks.  Anytime I hear of a child suffering like that, it hurts so bad, but having known and held this little boy... its real.  I still have things of his... believing he will come back into care.  I have to keep that hope alive.  I have to believe that Bubba will be redeemed.  (see the quote on the blog post below)
Pray with us.  Please.  Pray for my little man.  Pray for the hearts of people who seem blind to Dee Dee's cry for help.  I believe her spirit is crying out for someone to help Bubba too.  Pray for Dee... that she would have peace and for her to know she did all she could and her telling the truth was so brave!!

I miss Bubba so much.  I miss his crooked smile...his cute dances... his happy heart.  I feel like a peice of my heart is missing becuase he is gone.  I look around at my girls and think how happy, clean, healthy, well-fed, and cared for they are... and I realize that it is more than likely Bubba isnt recieveing the same.  And oh how that hurts.  I feel so incredibly helpless!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying with you....ohhh... the days of screaming in my mind at the judge & casa workers......oh - not fun! I totally see your point. It is soo hard. We have sibs in our home & their little brother was allowed to stay with bio mom?? WHAT??? how crazy is that? Yep! it is a twisted system.


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