Sunday, August 8, 2010


"Lord, I crawled across the bareness to you with my empty cup, uncertain in asking any small drop of refreshment. If only I'd known you better I'd have come running with a bucket."  Nancy Speigleberg

Wow.  Let that sink in.  I did.  It haunted me (in a reeeeeally god way) all last night and today. 
Then at church, the man preaching talked about being thirsty and how He is gonna fill up to OVERFLOWING the thirsty. 

Yes.  God.  Fill up this bucket... Im RUNNING through the desert with my bucket.

Then... my girls laid hands on a woman with MS.  No, she didnt get up out of her chair, but her HEART was touched by my girls.  People in the church were TOUCHED by these girls.   I think becuase my 8 and 9 yr old were obiedent and stepped out in faith, the faith of a church was boosted!! 
Oh... the name of our church... Faith Alive.
I think today that Faith did come Alive!!!  People were on the floor while the Holy Spirit was just wrecking them. Changing them... healing them!!

Seriously.... YAY GOD!!!!!

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