Why me? I have to admit, I am not at ALL a morning person. I want to sleep in until at least 10. That is my dream in life... to sleep in. So the fact that the 8 yr olds can sleep until 8am every morning, which means, I too can sleep till 8am has been a blessing. I just dont understand why they dont share in the joy of that particular blessing. SLEEP CHILDREN, SLEEP!!! Sigh. I know, not gonna happen. :o)
I just was asked yesterday to care for my best friends children for a few days while they (children's pastors) do a kids camp kinda thing. YAY! I love my "neice and nephew" and Madi and Josiah got a long great when they met for the first time a few weeks ago. Im so happy and excited becuase Tammy and Josh have been living in Illinois working as childrens pastors, but have just accepted a position in VA! So now, instead of being 14+ hours away they are only 3 hours!! That makes Mike and I soooo happy! I love Tammy... she is like a sister to me, and Mike thinks Josh rocks, and their kids are wonderful and cute. AND, we will be "fostering" their pug Precious for a while until they can find a house to rent that takes pets! More craziness... but what can I say... I like it.
This is Madi and Josiah... cute huh?
In other news (LOL), I got the kids report cards this week, and I am pleasantly surprised! Madi was a little improved ina few areas, and her comments from her teachers where very nice! She started her medicine at the end of the semester, so I cant wait to see what her last report card will be like. We will also have an IEP meeting soon, and I know we are going to completely revise her IEP!!! She definitly has improved enough that she will only have a few things on her IEP, instead of pages upon pages! Jay did better than we expected. Her teacher had given us a progress report that was kinda scary, so we have been working more with her and her teacher has been giving her more one-on-one time. So as of right now, she IS passing 3rd grade! When we had gotten Kiki's progress report, she had a lot of Ds and Cs, so her caseworker lit a fire under her behind (so to speak), and then Mike's dad, Pap Pap gave her a little talk, and so we did. Well, it worked. Dont know which one...but one of those, or maybe all of them helped her work harded. She only had 1 D. The rest were all Cs and Bs! YAY!
I think we might have to take the girls to Rita's to celebrate!! Yea, the grades arent great, but Mike and I havent put a lot of emphasis on the letter of the grade. We have told all our girls from the beginning, if you TRY your best, thats all matters. I think Madi reallllllllly tried last semester (without meds), so I am very proud of her. And I know Kiki and Jay can do much much better than they are, but they improved, and I have to take in to consideration their situation and the stress being a foster kid causes. So.... we want to honor the effort!!
Totally random... but here is a pic from Madi's gymnastics olympics. She rocks! :o)
Sounds like they are doing pretty well in school. Love the pic!!!!