Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good, Bad, and the Ugly!

Last night, I stayed up until about 3:30 reading a blog written by a wonderful mom of 13... 3 of whom were adopted from Ghana.  Right now they are walking the very hard road of disruption (when an adopted kid has to be removed from his adoptive home and placed elsewhere, usually for the safety of the other siblings) and have shared this road on her blog.  Mike and I know that someday we will adopt internationally and it was so refreshing to read someones HONEST story of an international adoption.  So often the adoption community requires adoptive parents to stay hush hush about the "bad" side of life and then adoptive parents go into it blind and are blown away when a child comes home acting out verbally, physically, or even s*xually.  Yes, I said it.  Sometimes adopted kids have been abused s*xually and then continue the cycle by abusing someone else.  We as parents MUST know that this situations exsist in order to learn how to deal with it and help these poor kids to HEAL!  And as an adoptive parent that is my first goal, to help this child be a healed and whole person so they can live a full and rich life!!
All this got me thinking about the incident that happened to my blog back in the summer.  I know that it was simply Satan trying to silence my voice.  Trying to keep me from being honest about our journey through foster care.  Because I will always say that this isnt for everyone, its hard, and sometimes I wanna quit, but it is the MOST rewarding thing that my husband and I have ever done.  It is worth it. 
I really want people to know he good and bad sides about this.  I know a couple who went through years of infertility and decided to try foster-to-adopt, but didnt research it and didnt realize the problems kids can come with.  They accepted a family of 4 and within 2 weeks all four kids had to be placed elsewhere and the family left the foster care program for 2 years.  Why this placement failed had nothing to do with 4 kids being placed all at once, and everything to do with 3 of the 4 kids having severe attachtment issues and the parents having no idea that these issues even exsist.  This couple now has a sibling group of 3 with them and are successfully parenting them and one of them has RAD.  What changed was this couple started reading and learning and hearing the ugly side of adoption and foster care.  They became equipped and now are doing a wonderful job helping the eldest to overcome the attachment issues!
All this to say, Im prayfully thinking of exposing more of our story to help others out there.  To let the world know what it truly is like and to know that you can overcome these attachtment issues and you can make a difference in a kids life. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that my blog inspired you to speak out about the TRUTH ... adoption is WONDERFUL, but it can also be VERY difficult ... and sometimes, adoptions have to be disrupted. We do not regret adopting all 3 siblings. Now, we pray for a forever family for our oldest adopted child, who needs to be in a home away from his younger sisters. Very sad ... but we must be honest about the truth, and not let Satan keep us silent.

    mama of 13


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