Sunday, July 18, 2010

Way back in the day....

We have been visiting churches in York lately... since we are moving there... (the Lord only knows when..).

Last night, Mike and I were talking about where to go, and we kinda decided, eh whatever, lets just go to "Church A". No real reason... just thought, why the heck not.  Waaaaay back in the day, when Mike and I were youth leaders, our youth group and this one had done some functions together, so we knew basically that it was a church a long the lines of what we were looking for.

So, we get there this morning.. and right away see 2 people we knew from (haha, gonna say it again) way back in the day. 

A nice suprise, for sure!

The second thing we noticed... it was so very empty!  One of our friends from the past was the guest speaker for the day and told us that the church was going through a LOT... a huge split, they have no staff and scandal and AHHH... My heart was immediately hurting for these people.  Our friend then introduced us to one of the elders (who are running the church right now) and said, "Dana is a great worship leader... she could help out!"  Uh... HOLD UP there buddy! lol!  :o)

Anyways... the worship... hmm.  Musically... not awesome, but God was moving and the 3 women on stage had hearts seeking strong after Him.  And that, my friends, was music to my ears!! 

The word... our friend gave a great (hard to hear, but so true and sooooo needed) message on Repentence. 
And... our friend got a word from God for us... it was so awesome.. I want to get it on CD.

Lets put it this way... my mail was READ!  I needed that word... I needed to hear it so much.  Thank you JESUS!

I felt a very strong connection to this place.. to these people.  These wonderful people who were so so so welcoming to us.. amazingly welcoming!!  I dont know if its my "mommy-fix-it" mentality, or what.  But this huge part of me just wanted to jump up and embrace these people and tell them, its ok, Mike and I are here... and we want to help.... PUT US TO WORK!

PATIENCE is NOOOOT my virtue!  :o)  I need to wait on the Lord and He will show us when and where.  But if He has us going to this church and helping in anyway... I would be totally (seriously, totally) ok with it!


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