Man.... another one. Another single christian woman pregnant. When I saw this latest girls announcement... I admit, my first reaction was jealousy.
Yea... jealousy. Hey... I want my baby. (Just bein' real).
Then anger. (Ok, really real.) I was mad at her, made at God, and mad at myself.
Then some more jealousy. (Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy!!!)
And then I started to vascillate between the anger, the jealousy, and some sadness and grief.
But somewhere in the midst of my downward spiral to Pitymetowne, I started to feel for the woman. For the baby. For the girls family. For the dreams that girl had.
I know that this woman, who is in her 30s has a missionary calling. She had spent a year or so in another country doing missions work.... she very frequently goes on short term trips, and loved doing those things. She even sold her house to rent one with some people so she could be free to go on trips whenever she wanted.
Now I have to wonder... how frequent will those trips be now? (Not that you cant do missions with kids... not saying it AT ALL). Im sure she has to feel a bit like she is giving up parts of those dreams. And if she shows up in certain hispanic countries with a baby on her hip and no ring... some of those people will not listen to her.
I have so much more on my mind about this... so much more to say, but it all keeps sounding judgemental to me. And thats not the intention behind this. My intention behind this post is actually about a bigger problem.
I started this blog with the though, ANOTHER ONE becuase this is becoming a big problem in America today. And before I go further.. yes, these babies are loved and perfectly beautiful and wonderful. They, themselves are not a mistake or an "oopsie". They are not sinful. The babies are not the issue. They are not a punishment the mother must carry for the rest of her life because of her sin. They are God's creation. Beautiful wanted wonderful little peices of humanity. But the bottom line is that s*xual immorality is a sin. Premartial s*x is wrong. And its happeneing in every youth group, every young adult group, every singles group.
Blame it on too much S*x in the City, or Twilight, 16 and Pregnant or any other show. Blame it on movies like Juno or Knocked Up, or so many other movies that promote sex for the unwed person. Blame it on culture or stereotypes. Blame it hormones, or peer pressure. Blame it on whatever you want.
But think for a minute. When is the last time you heard a messgae from the pulpit about abstinence? About purity? About WAITING? And Im not talking about youth group. Im talking about adults. Women whose hormones are settled. Women who are not in the back seat of their boyfriends parents car of prom night feeling pressure because her bff's have all done it and her boyfriends buddies are egging him on. These are women with careers, women who now its wrong and probably have told teenage neices and nephews its wrong. (Sidenote.. these are also women who should be familiar with birth control by now). I cant even remember the last time purity was brought up in a church we were in.
So I had to wonder why?
Maybe its taboo and pastors arent wanting to touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Maybe because they are afraid attendence will drop that week.
Maybe because they feel the have "bigger sins" to preach about.
Maybe because s*x has become so embedded in out culture that even pastors have begun to think of it as a right for anyone, not a privilege of the married?
I guess really i dont have tyhe answers. And thats ok.
But I would really like to see the church encouraging teens, 20 somethings, 30 somethings.... and older to stay pure. To really be a light and a witness to the world.
To be SET APART? To be in the world, but not of it.
To be JESUS.
So Im praying today for those women... for all my single friends.
(SO im sure there will be some negative fedback.. thats ok. Just use kind words {as we say to the kids all the time})!!!!!