Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I wanted to Add...

I wanted to add to my previous post...

After our last miscarriage, the doc said he beleived that if I took progesterone, I should be able to carry full term.  At the time it seemed to simple.  To much fear had entered my heart and was taking over for me to beleive that something so simple could give us a baby.

After some research, I didnt like the side affects and possible issues with the synthetic progestins that I would be taking.

So yesterday, Mike and I went to our local "crazy hippy store" (as Mike calls it).  We are really blessed to have a store that is stocked with TONS of natural, whole foods, guten free products, supplements herbs, and a super knowledgable staff.  I know some of the folks in there are NOT christians, but they really do know a lot about all things herbal and natural and organic and healthy.  The woman I talked to suggested Chaste Tree in a tincture form.  It will actually promote my body to CREATE its OWN progesterone instead of filling it with sythnetic junk. 

So I took my first dose today. 

Please keep us in your prayers.  I can't wait to concieve, carry to full term, and then hold our miracle. :o)


  1. HEy Dana, praying you get your miracle soon. After we lost our TRiplets I used chasteeberry for three months and on the third month I found out I was pregnant with our son, Jayden.


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