Thursday, December 17, 2009

Feeling a little lost...

I keep expecting to hear a lil man crying to let me know hes done sleeping and its time for cuddles.
I should be getting breakfast ready for him.
There is no lil boy laundry to do.. and since I finished all Madi's and ours on Tuesday, theres no laundry to do.
Becuase my wonderful mom was here yesterday, there isnt even anything to clean.
I could wrap presents, but I dont want to sort through the christmas presents to find Madi's... becuase inevitably, I will run into Bubba and Dee Dee's gifts that we havent had a chance to give to them yet.  Ever?

Im just feeling a little lost.  Im not sure what to do with myself.  Maybe a nap will help me clear my head and find something to do.  I already baked some tasty banana bread...


  1. Praying for my heart breaks!!! Knowing your pain as we have experienced similar situations (not yours of course) hurtful. There were days I just didn't want to get up, do anything, but shrivel up in a corner. Praying for you as you try to heal, as you try to continue, and as we all pray for safety!!!! So sorry, and just praying that God will work in "the system"- which HE IS CLEARLY BIGGER THAN!!!!! Wish I could give you a hug!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. I feel like a lazy bum... IM faced again with being a stay at home mom... with no kids at home during the day!
    Needing some peace... I guess.

  3. What a crazy situation..I hope you all get another placement soon.


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