Friday, February 19, 2010

It occured to me tonight as Mike went to bed right after we put the kids to sleep, without us exchanging more than 20 words alone, that this has been happening a lot lately. 
It didnt make me think that we dont talk ever, or that our marriage is falling apart, or we are drifting away from each other, becuase thats not even close to the truth.  Instead, it made me think about how much I love this man, how much he loves me, and more importantly, how we need to start working more on us.  No, it wont be easy, work is never easy, and yes it would be 1 million times easier just to let it go and hope it works itself out.  But that's not what we promised to do 5 years ago.  We promised to love in good times and bad.  So that means when life swirls around at an unsteady and dizzying pace, we MUST find time. Take time, make time to be together.  To have alone time.  To have time to love and hug and talk and pray and just be together. 

I wrote this becuase I wanted to encourage anyone who reads my blog that marriage is work, it can be tough, but it is always worth it.  I wanted you to think... am I working for my marriage to not only be ok, but to be good!  To be a light in a world riddled with divorces, celebrity marriage scandels, and the rate of both of those rising at astounding rates.  To show our kids that marriage does work.  It is good.  And more importantly, that THEY too can have successful marriages!!
Mike and I are blessed.  So far in life, we have dealt with a lot.  A lot of loss, financial strain, drama with relationships outside of our own, and infertility, but through all of that, marriage has been easy!!  We love to be married... to be with each other... and it was easy!!  But lately, with 3 kids with crazy schedules, we have found that there just isnt much time to be alone!! I beleive God is taking us down a road where we will have to learn how to work at this.  And I'm ready.  I KNOW that we will come out of this better.  I know that nothing will tear us apart... not even crazy schedules!  I'm ready to work at this marriage and make it even better becuase I believe that God will bless us for it, draw us even closer, and make us stronger!!

All that said.. I am going to get on the phone and call some babysitters and take my Mr. out on a date one night this week!!  How about you?  Even if your marriage is perfect (haha.. thats a funny thought, 2 imperfect people making a perfect marriage... ok, so maybe we will say a "near-perfect-but-only-because-God-is-the-center-and-we-give-everything-of-ourselves-to-Him marriage") how could you make it better?  What is something that your marriage is lacking?  And how can you turn the lack into abundance? 


  1. Totally understand & 100% agree! Marriage is fun, but not perfect, & it is work- well worth the work!!!!!! Jason & I have recently started thinking more about that too :)

  2. Yes, yes, yes!

    I fully agree. Chris and I made a commitment to each other when we said "I do," but we've talked since them about how, each day, week, month and year, we make another commitment - to start now, to make our marriage the best it can be in this time. It's not a "once and done" deal!

    Love you sister in Christ!!


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