Thursday, September 17, 2009

Battle Ground or Play Ground

Last night, I started my first Bible School class with International School of Ministry.  Im really excited about this opportunity!!  I can be ordained in 2.5 years, and the best part is, I will spend the next 2.5 yrs learning more of the Word, drawing closer to the Lord and learning how to be a better Worship Leader! 

During our discussion time, we were talking about how the Bible and knowing scriptures can help us in our spiritual walk.  One of the girls said that it helps prepare us for war, for the battles we have to face as Christians.  Then she said something that stuck with me... she said that Christians need to treat this walk as a Battle Ground... not a Play Ground.

Oh my goodness... seriously, thats soooo true!  I know for me, I skip around like, la de da, this is a lovely life.  And, yes it is.  It really is.  Im blessed and I love life, but if Im being honest and not putting my baby christian blinders on, there is serious stuff out there.  Now, I dont think we should be getting our panties in a bunch and going crazy with the battle stuff, but its important!!   Remember that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers.  This is a spiritual battle that needs to be waged in prayer and w/ scriptures!!! 

Im going to try to be more aware of the battles going on around me.  Im going to try to see this world through God's eyes more often, and mine less often.  Father, help me to see when I need to engage in battle.  Help me to be clothed in your Holy Spirit and help me to remember my armour.

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