Thursday, May 19, 2011

How He loves!

Mastering transition requires a willingness to identify and let go of exhausted structures and toxic relationships. This clears the way for growth and discovery, and connects you to the deeper currents of the flow of your intended life. That life is fashioned by design rather than default. It is rooted in an atmosphere of acceptance, nurturance, patience, and guidance. It facilitates forward movement and momentum.

Dr. Mark Chironna
Im realizing all the junk from when i was a teen is still holding me back. I never felt pretty enough, good enough, talented enough... blah blah blaggghhhh. But I was reminded today that I am to look at myself as Christ sees me.
He sees me as a beautiful women.  A Great mom.  A talented worship leader.  He sees me as the beautiful worthy creation He made. 
I will no longer all my past self-perceptions hold me back.  I will no longer allow the past to hinder my future.  I will NO LONGER walk in fear of man.  I will NO LONGER walk in feelings of inadequecies.  I will walk in HIs love.  His image.  His righteousness.  I will walk in HIM!!!! 
He has made me, molded me, shaped me, sculpted me, loved me, grew me, called me, equipped me.  HE.  Not I.  Not those who I let make me feel inadequate.  Not the people who I compared my talent to, my face to, my dress to, my hair to.  He alone. 
Have you encountered the love of God???  Do you know how He sees you??
Give you a hint...... HE LOOOOOVVVEEESSS YOU!  Seriously and completely unashamedly in love with YOU.  Just the way you are.  He made you and He loves you.
Wow.  That love and that feeling of knowing that He thinks I am good enough is freeing.  I am free to persue things I might not of persued before.  Transition?  BRING IT ON!  Im ready to walk forward in Him.  I ready to go where He sends, to do what He has called us to do, no matter where it is!!

1 comment:

  1. You might be a superstar to me, but you are so much more than that to our God! :)


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