Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick!

Oh the sickies have visited this house!!

First Mike got a touch, then both J and K.... then it SMACKED ME! This is day 4 of being down for the count.  Stuffy nose, totally congested head and chest, wicked cough. Fever, head ache.  Oh yea... this thing is a doosey.  The Madi started to get it, but thank the LORD that kid is strong, becuase she has only had a sore throat and some congestion.  She took a voluntary nap on Tuesday (which NEVER happens) and didnt sleep very well Monday night, but seems much better today.

And this is just NOT the week to be sick.  Madi takes ballet lessons with an AMAZING Christian non-profit studio that is so God-centered... its awesome.  This week is their annual Christmas ballet.. and this year is the Nutcracker, which is Madi's favorite story.  She was soooo excited to find out she is an angel and she also has a little solo.  Most adorable angel ever.
But all this means we have rehearsal every day.  It started Saturday.  Tonight is the first dress rehearsal and I am a dressing room mom... so I have to be better!!  UGH.  But it will all be worth it.  To see her little face light up as she dances... yup.  Makes my heart proud!

Going to lay back down now. I think my head has monkeys playing congas in it.  Loudly.  :oD

1 comment:

  1. I pray the Lord would heal you all very quickly and give you the strength and grace to get through this week! Blessings!!


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