Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Blogger...

For the past few months I have been trying my hardest to find a way to interest Madi in writing.  She love (LOVES) to read, but simply dislikes writing of any kind.  I tried book reports, stories, reports on her favorite animals, and even emails.  Nothing worked.

Then I had an idea to let her have a blog, but she hates typing even more than hand writing, so I dismissed the idea without presenting it to her.  But recently she has started to ask about using the computer more often and read my blog a few times.  She began to be interested in it. 
She would ask to if I posted a picture on Facebook, or ask me to tell about something on Facebook or my blog. 

So I asked her if she wanted to start her own blog.  And I got an emphatic YES! 

Ok.... blogs are all about writing. 

So we started it.  She was tickled pink.  She told everyone about it and got lots of comments on her first 2 posts.  So, its going well, so far. 

I think for her, the best part is the comments (which I read before I let her even see them).  She gets nice little notes from all kinds of peope.... its exciting!!

So far, she has blogged about her, and a scripture of the day.  Who knows what else you will find on there in the future.  :o)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Doesnt God create some seriously BEAUTIFUL STUFF!??!?!?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

An Only Child?

Madi is an only child again.  This has only been the case for a few months out of her almost 10 years of life.  I wonder how it will go. 

Yesterday, the caseworker came and picked up K & J and took them to their new home.  They were sad.... but ok.  The new family seems nice... and they have a 6 yr old daughter. 

Then Madi went to her first ever sleepover at a friends house since coming to live with us.  I really wondered if this was smart or not... but after talking to the mom this morning... it was good.  She and Grace had tons of fun and are now at the movies together!!  This family is one we see multiple times a week at church... so Madi knows them all very well and they know her... (a big bonus, lol). 

I think for me... it hasnt all sank in yet.  They have gone away for the weekend before... so it kind of just feels like that.  But the rooms are empty.  This old house is very very quiet.  I have to wonder... how long before it is too quiet?  How long before those rooms need filled again?

We are switching agencies... mostly because we want one based in our county... not the next one over.  I hate all the driving involved.. especially when every appointment takes at least an hour to get there.  If they were closer... it woud be so much better!!  So I am researching agencies and trying to let God lead us to the right one.

I have asked myself... and MIke has also asked himself many many times... did we make the right choice?  And overwhelmingly.. the peace floods in and the answer is a big breathy "YES".  Its not easy.  It will not get easier.  But GOD is in control and I put my trust and hope in Him and Him alone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Closing of a Chapter

After being in a bed all last week with one of the worst colds I have ever had... I decided to nap today while MIke and Madi worked on school.  When my phone rang, MIke just ignored it, thinking that it would be fine until I got up.  Well, apperantly our caseworker has NO patience becuase by the time I woke up and called her back about an hour later the course of the girls lives had been decided with no input from us... their mom and dad for the past year and 3 months. 

K & J will be leaving this Friday.  4 days.
4 days to pack.
4 days to adjust.
4 days to say goodbye.
4 days to give everyone in our lives time to say goodbye.

4 days.

Thats not a lot of time.

Please be in prayer!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Time for the big announcement has arrived.  And truthfully... its not that exciting... I just wanted attention.  Haha... just kidding.  Well, kinda.

No.. the big announcement is that K & J are going to be transitioning to a new home.  We have spent the last year & 3 months loving them and trying to show them to walk with Jesus and how much He loves and cares for them, but its time for them to go. 

Its what best for us and for them. 

We just ask that you would pray for them and us in the upcoming transition.

Also... please know that we have spent a long time talking and praying about this and really feel this is first and foremost what God wants for us and them!!!

If you have any questions... please feel to ask.